Vladimir Portugalov

Rating history

Weekly performance shows the performance for daily puzzles solved during the corresponding week. It is nominated in universal scoring scale which allows to compare puzzles of different complexity. Rating is a cumulative value which is slowly adjusted every week towards the weekly performance. It shows long-term performance level. See the rating computation rules at help page.

Type performance

2037 (4 puzzles)
Double Sudoku
2186 (1 puzzle)
Skyscrapers Sudoku
2140 (1 puzzle)
1997 (1 puzzle)
No Touch Sudoku
1825 (1 puzzle)
1296 (5 puzzles)
Double Block
2300 (1 puzzle)
Top Heavy Number Place
2248 (1 puzzle)
Magic Snail
1932 (1 puzzle)
Gapped Skyscrapers
0 (1 puzzle)
Exclusive Skyscrapers
0 (1 puzzle)
559 (3 puzzles)
838 (2 puzzles)
Product Kuromasu
0 (1 puzzle)
1404 (7 puzzles)
Star Battle (Small Regions)
2290 (1 puzzle)
2130 (1 puzzle)
Hexa Minesweeper
2092 (1 puzzle)
Star Battle
1847 (1 puzzle)
Knight Battleships
735 (2 puzzles)
0 (1 puzzle)
2269 (2 puzzles)
Touching Pentomino
2269 (2 puzzles)
1358 (9 puzzles)
Loop and Bounds
2214 (1 puzzle)
Alternate Loop
2130 (1 puzzle)
Four Winds
2059 (1 puzzle)
Simple Loop
1357 (1 puzzle)
Shortest Segment
1159 (1 puzzle)
Russian Loop
931 (2 puzzles)
Country Road
721 (2 puzzles)
2208 (4 puzzles)
Dutch Snake
2382 (1 puzzle)
2319 (1 puzzle)
Maxi Snake
2228 (1 puzzle)
1904 (1 puzzle)
1151 (5 puzzles)
1973 (1 puzzle)
1962 (1 puzzle)
Hexa Islands
1819 (1 puzzle)
Battenberg Painting
0 (1 puzzle)
0 (1 puzzle)
1180 (10 puzzles)
2285 (1 puzzle)
Slash Pack
2190 (1 puzzle)
Two Apiece
2034 (1 puzzle)
ABC Division
2018 (1 puzzle)
Spiral Galaxies
1871 (1 puzzle)
Squares and Rectangles
466 (3 puzzles)
Neighbor Areas
0 (1 puzzle)
Domino Hunt
0 (1 puzzle)