Top rating improvement of the month
ermo 53
Zatamon 49
UNP 48
Arutu 48
Loi Salesa 47

The puzzles below are current daily and contest puzzles. These puzzles are competitive and you have to register to solve them and participate in the competition. To register click Login link in the top right corner.

You can use the scores page to see the results of other competitors for the daily puzzle.

All the puzzles from the previous days are available at our archive page. Puzzles which are older than 5 days do not affect the score table and can be attempted without registration.


Author: Vladimir Portugalov

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Fill in the grid with digits 1, 2, 3, 4 putting one digit per a cell. Two cells connected by the move of a chess knight cannot contain the same digit. Three identical digits cannot appear in consecutive cells horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

Example puzzle

Grid control: Click at a cell reveals the value chooser. Click at the selected value changes the state of the cell. More details about grid control are at the help page.

Double Choco

Author: Anurag Sahay

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Divide the grid along the grid lines into regions. Each region must contain one orthogonaly connected area of white cells and one area of shaded cells. The pair of areas must be of the same shape and size. The areas may be rotated or mirrored. A number indicates how many cells of one color the region contains. A region may contain several numbers - in this case all numbers must be equal.

Example puzzle

Grid control: To draw a cut click at the cell edge or move mouse along the line holding the button. You can also connect the centers of cells which belong to the same part with auxiliary line. In this case cut lines will be added automatically. More details about grid control are at the help page.